Resources for the CDP Administrator
Step 3. Invite parishioners to register, select what parish groups they belong to, then take the CDP.
Resource 7: Inviting parishioners to take the CDP on the first Registration Sunday
Place the CDP registration flyers in the pews and replenish them before all the Masses as needed.
Pulpit announcement at all the Masses
Today is our Catholic Discipleship Profile Registration Sunday. I invite you to take the CDP and discover how God is working in your life. You will find in your pews a CDP registration flyer. Please pass the flyer down so each person can have one. (PAUSE) If you do not have a flyer, please raise your hand and an usher will give you one. The registration process is simple. When you get home use your smartphone QR code reader to take you to our online CDP registration page. You also can go to our parish website (name of website), scroll down on the homepage, and click on Take the Catholic Discipleship Profile. Then follow the prompts and register.
You can complete the survey in 15 minutes and receive your Individual Profile report immediately. Read your report online or print it as a PDF. Your report is totally personal and private—no one sees your report unless you share it. Please register and take the CDP this week. More CDP registration flyers are in the vestibule.
I now invite (name of parishioner) to share with you why registering and taking the CDP was a valuable experience for her/him. (The person gives a short witness talk and invites the parishioners to take a registration flyer and complete the CDP this week.)
After all the Masses
Ask your ushers/greeters to be near all the church exits and hand the registration flyer to people who did not take one during the pulpit announcements.
Have members of the CDP team, or others, available at all the Masses to answer questions. Have some kind of sign that reads: Questions about the CDP? Ask Me!
Bulletin announcement
Today is our Catholic Discipleship Profile registration Sunday. We invite all the members of our parish to discover how God is working in your life by taking the CDP. Go to our website, (name of website) and look for the page that has the Catholic Discipleship Profile logo on the top. You can complete the survey in about 15 minutes and will receive your Individual Profile report immediately. You can read your report online or print it as a PDF. Your report is totally personal and private—no one sees your report unless you share it. Please register and take the CDP this week and discover how God is working in your life.
The CDP Administrator can contact Paulist Evangelization Ministries if there are questions about the CDP.