
Resources for the CDP Administrator

Step 3. Invite parishioners to register, select what parish groups they belong to, then take the CDP.

Resource 11: Inviting parishioners to take the CDP on the “last call” Sunday.

This “last call” Sunday follows immediately after the first and second CDP Registration Sundays. The last call Sunday has one purpose: to give parishioners one last chance to register and take the CDP before the admin runs the parish profile and group profile reports.

The last call Sunday is more low key than the two Registration Sundays. There is only one pulpit announcement and one bulletin announcement. No parishioner CDP witness talks are scheduled for all the Masses.

Pulpit announcement at all the Masses
A big thank you to all who completed the Catholic Discipleship Profile. We now have over XXX parishioners at (name of parish) who have completed the CDP. If you have not taken the Catholic Discipleship Profile, please do so by XX date, which is one day before our CDP Administrator runs our parish profile report. Your individual profile report will show you how God is working in your life and give you a trusted roadmap for spiritual growth. To take the CDP, pick up one of these flyers (show flyer) in the vestibule or go to our website homepage (name of website) and click on Take the Catholic Discipleship Profile. So don’t delay, your deadline to complete the CDP is XX date.

Bulletin announcement
A heartfelt thank you to all who completed the Catholic Discipleship Profile. We now have over XXX parishioners at (name of parish) who have completed the CDP. If you have not taken the Catholic Discipleship Profile, please do so by XX date, which is one day before our CDP Administrator runs our parish profile report. Your individual profile report will show you how God is working in your life and give you a trusted roadmap for spiritual growth. To take the CDP, go to our website homepage (name of website), find the CDP page, and click on Take the Catholic Discipleship Profile. Don’t delay, your deadline to complete the CDP is XX date.

The CDP Administrator can contact Paulist Evangelization Ministries if there are questions about the CDP.

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