Frequently Asked Questions of CDP Group Leaders
Where can a small group leader find support for guiding a small group?
Please visit this site for many resources on forming and leading small groups.
How do I get technical support using the Group Leader Dashboard?
Contact Paulist Evangelization Ministries using the Contact Us function here.
What happens if a group member does not complete the 81 CDP statements?
Your Group Leader Dashboard shows the status of each group member. You can generate the CDP group report only after eight (8) or more group members have completed the CDP. Send an email via the Dashboard to group members who have not finished the CDP and encourage them to complete it so you can generate the group report.
Why do you require a minimum of eight (8) group members to complete the CDP before the group leader can generate the group report?
An individual’s responses to the CDP statements are private information. If there were only three (3) members in the group, for example, one could infer that a certain person responded in this or that way to a particular statement. With eight (8) or more individuals in the group, this type of inference becomes much more difficult. The CDP is designed so that only the individual can see the items in her or his individual profile report. The person can share this information if she or he wishes, but that is the individual’s personal choice.
Can I add new members after I have created the group report?
No. Once the group report is generated, no new members can be added.
Are refunds given?
Refunds will only be distributed due to a malfunction of the website and in the form of additional tickets. In the absence of this, all sales are final.
Can our group become part of the CDP parish report if our parish decides to use the parish CDP process?
Yes. Contact your CDP parish coordinator. She or he will work with you via the CDP Parish Dashboard so that the data from each member of your group will be included in the parish profile report. Please remember, just like the group report, once a parish report is closed and generated, no additional individual or group data can be added to the report.
How long do group members have access to their individual profile reports?
Group members will be able to access their individual profile report up to a year after its initial completion. The report is designed to a be a snapshot, not a comprehensive review of one’s entire life.
How long do I as group leader have access to the Group Leader Dashboard and report online?
Group leaders will be able to access the group report for one year after it is generated. After one year, the Group Leader Dashboard will close, and access to the report will be deleted.